google-site-verification=cldVc-NOZWuV64am2ffIX6AoQJs9ocM-VM8Xa4d3bwY Making Space for Grief and Loss with Emy Tafleski - Be the Love podcast

Episode 160

Making Space for Grief and Loss with Emy Tafleski

Stacy and Brenda talk with Emy Tafleski about loss, healing and finding her way through grief through spiritual connection.

We discuss:

  • What is untethering loss and how does it open a portal to healing?
  • How does walking through the healing portal help you move toward deeper wholeness?
  • Connecting to divine goddess energy for healing
  • What is the role that spirituality plays in healing and wholeness?
  • Why do we need to make space to feel grief and loss?
  • How her work is supporting the bigger picture of healing the world and what their Macrovision is for the work that he does

Dr. Emy Tafelski is a badass spiritual rebel whose mission it is to revolutionize how women heal and transform after untethering, shattering loss and trauma. She leads women who have suffered an untethering loss on a journey to reweave their souls into wholeness using her 4 phase method, Soul Weaving. After a number of years as a mental health therapist she has turned her attention and expertise toward deeper soul healing. A big part of this work leans into her Divine Feminine Spirituality, releasing the threads of patriarchy that we carry unconsciously within our soul's tapestry. Emy Tafelski has a PhD in psychology with a specialization in consciousness, spirituality, and integrative health.

Emy Tafelski's Links links:


Website: (email list sign up);

FREE gift for the audience, The Untethering Loss Care Package, 3 audios to bring you comfort when you are feeling lost and alone, even if you haven't suffered a recent loss.

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Your Empowered Soul: A Natural Pathway to Healing Anxiety and Depression

Free Journey to Abundant Energy video series with Brenda Carey.

This episode was sponsored by Miracle Tea from Dr. Varun's Love Abundance store. Check out this healing tea!

Heatherlyn's website:

This episode was edited by Chelsea Weaver


About the Podcast

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Be the Love podcast
To Awaken Our Souls

About your hosts

Profile picture for Stacy Musial

Stacy Musial

Stacy Musial is on a mission to bring love to the world by assisting humanity to love themselves first, to transcend through the shadows and awaken their potential as sovereign beings. She is the author of Your Empowered Soul: A Natural Path to Heal Anxiety and Depression. She has been practicing psychotherapy for over 10 years and has a passion for diving deep into emotional wounds to heal and transform the energy behind the wound to bring light through for deep love.
Profile picture for Brenda Carey

Brenda Carey

Brenda is passionate about helping people Energetically align with their heart’s deepest desire. She is a Holistic Lifestyle Coach using the wisdom of Ayurveda, mindful yoga, meditation, Reiki and Energy Healing to co-create wholeness in the body, mind, and soul.

She is the owner of Sacred Path Healing Yoga & Reiki. She is the creator of the Inspired Living Holistic Lifestyle, an online transformational whole health program for women. A regular contributor on Insight Timer. When she's not on her yoga mat, you can find her hiking in the mountains with her family and rock climbing with friends.